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Goals of the Project

The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)-funded service project “NOR3 Marine Instrument Center (NOR3 MIC)” accompanies the research vessel New Ocean Researcher 3, launched in 2019. The primary objective of the MIC is to provide academia with essential marine instruments required for both research and educational sea-going expeditions. This entails managing the procurement, operation, technical support, and maintenance of these instruments, ultimately ensuring the quality and efficiency of offshore research operations.

Since 2020, the MIC has embarked on a five-year mission aimed at enhancing the infrastructure necessary for studying the "Spatiotemporal Variations of Marine Particle Export Flux, Transport Mechanisms, Biogeochemical Effects, and Carbonate Chemistry." Within this mission scope, the MIC is actively involved in the development of field observation instruments and technologies, as well as the cultivation of technicians proficient in supporting fieldwork. Additionally, the MIC facilitates the provision of particle samples and associated hydrological data. These service objectives are designed to support research on Taiwan's marine blue carbon and carbon storage.

By integrating MIC services with various geological, physical, chemical, and biological research methodologies, researchers gain the ability to investigate diverse aspects such as the sources, transport, burial, carbon cycling, and diagenesis of particles/sediments. Furthermore, they can uncover invaluable environmental and climatic information preserved within historical sediments. Ultimately, the overarching goal is to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of Taiwan's surrounding waters amidst the backdrop of global environmental changes.